The Ultimate Guide To Flip Update

With puberty until around age 20, the extremes that occur in conflict are the predominant role of identity (adolescent considers his/her uniqueness, there is no gray in difficult situations) as opposed to lack of self-norms (adolescent becomes integrates into conflict groups, he tries to be a person before being a thing.

The balance in this phase consists of the adolescent’s knowledge of his qualities and strengths, and the possibility of discovering his role and living integrated into society.

Work in educational centers

Teachers can work through this fifth crisis through different activities in the classroom, such as the “hands” activity: we ask students to draw their hands on a piece of paper. On his right hand, he will write his name and four proper adjectives, and on his left, colleagues will write the positive aspects that stand out about him, so the paper will circulate around the class. At the end, each one reads the adjectives aloud. Click For More : Flip Update

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